On June 1st, the Urbana Regional Library began Phase 1 of their tiered re-opening plan with curbside pick-up.
May 2020- Virtual Meeting Overview
March 2020 Meeting and Spring Book Sale
As Gov. Hogan began closing schools, libraries, and businesses, due to the growing coronavirus pandemic, we knew the book sale was just not feasible at this time. Unfortunately, we do not know if we will reschedule the sale or cancel it completely. Like most people, we are living with daily uncertainty about future events.
Introducing the New Teen Studio
Last year, FURL approved funding to update the new Teen Studio. The teen services librarians redesigned the upstairs nook to create a specific space for teenage patrons to hang out, do homework, and socialize. The Teen Studio now includes large colorful signage, new comfortable seating, televisions, and a gaming console.
February 2020- Meeting Overview
On February 11, the Friends of the Urbana Regional Library held our annual meeting in the upstairs conference room of the Urbana Library. This meeting was huge, both in information and attendance. In addition to the usual agenda we discussed FURL highlights from the past year, Jess and Janet from Frederick County Public Libraries came to talk about the Summer Reading Program, and we met members from the Teen Advisory Board (TAB).
FURL Year in Review
January 2020- Meeting Overview
Hello and happy New Year to the Friends of the Urbana Regional Library (FURL) and fellow community members. Welcome to our new Blog. Here we plan to update the community about FURL announcements, meetings, and how FURL is fulfilling our mission “to support, promote, and increase the public use of the Urbana Regional Library.”