Our Fall Used Book Sale 2022

‘Tis the season for cozy reading…and for our FURL Fall Used Book Sale! Please join us on Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25 to shop gently used books (mostly $1 or less).

The sale will take place in the community room on the lower level of the Urbana Library. The book sale is open to the general public at 10am on Saturday 9/24, though FURL members are invited to shop an hour early at 9am!* (Psst…join now!)

On Sunday during the final hours, we often do our “Books in a Bag” promotion. Depending on supply, you can fill up a FURL tote bag with as many books as you want for $5. Check our Facebook page for updates during the sale.

As you Fall-clean your home this season, please continue to generously donate your used books! You can drop off books anytime the Urbana library is open, at our lower level alcove.

Volunteers welcome! Sign up for helping us set-up, take-down, and/or help at the event.

*Not a member yet? Please consider joining us now for a lifetime membership of $10. All proceeds of FURL, including our book sales directly support the Urbana library, programs, and staff.